
Last night and tonight

El Son De Guetaitoはやっぱりいいねー。たくみ君もリハーサルから最後まで叩きまくってました。もうメンバーだね。しかし10才でこんなバンドのメンバーになるなんて凄過ぎるわー。
そして今夜はこれから Cuatro Locos in Relaciones。2日連続でゲタ夫さんとヤンさんと演奏だ。なんて篤農な週末。

Last night I had a great gig with El Son De Guetaito. It's such a fun band! Takumi came from rehearsal and tore it up! He's more or less a member now. It's just sooo amazing to be in a band like this at the age of 10!
The next show is April 6th.
Tonight I have another crazy gig with the "Cuatro Locos" in Relaciones. 2 consecutive nights singing with Getao and Yahn. What a weekend!

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