明日20日(月曜日六本木IBEX)、明後日(火曜日池袋レラシオーネ)は、私が不在のため、アシスタントチーム(Toku, Mai, Jonathon)の代行になります。グループを初心者と中級に分けますので、初めての人も安心ですし経験者がサルサ初めてのお友達を連れて気軽に参加できます。是非ご参加ください。
私は木曜日の Little Havana から通常のレッスンに戻りますのでこれからも是非よろしくお願いします!
It's my 2nd day of this one week vacation. I'm in Kinosaki, famous for its onsen baths, but I'm not here for that. Yesterday I went fishing for the first time. We took a boat out 5 km off shore and got a whole bunch of fish I don't know the names of. We had a BBQ, I threw some on a paella, put some in soup, and had some raw. The most amazing experience ever!
As I'm away, my lessons tomorrow (Roppongi, Ibex) and on Tuesday (Ikebukuro, Relaciones) will be taken by my assistants, Toku, Mai and Jonathon. They will split the class if necessary so you don't have to worry about what level you are.
明日20日(月曜日六本木IBEX)、明後日(火曜日池袋レラシオーネ)は、私が不在のため、アシスタントチーム(Toku, Mai, Jonathon)の代行になります。グループを初心者と中級に分けますので、初めての人も安心ですし経験者がサルサ初めてのお友達を連れて気軽に参加できます。是非ご参加ください。
私は木曜日の Little Havana から通常のレッスンに戻りますのでこれからも是非よろしくお願いします!
It's my 2nd day of this one week vacation. I'm in Kinosaki, famous for its onsen baths, but I'm not here for that. Yesterday I went fishing for the first time. We took a boat out 5 km off shore and got a whole bunch of fish I don't know the names of. We had a BBQ, I threw some on a paella, put some in soup, and had some raw. The most amazing experience ever!
As I'm away, my lessons tomorrow (Roppongi, Ibex) and on Tuesday (Ikebukuro, Relaciones) will be taken by my assistants, Toku, Mai and Jonathon. They will split the class if necessary so you don't have to worry about what level you are.
I'll be back to class on Thursday at Shinjuku Little Havana.