
Getting ready

明日は代官山の Hacienda Del Cielo でペドロ バジェのバンドと年越しライブをやります!興味のある方へ、エントランス料はないです。
年末はライブが沢山あるけど今日は唯一の休み。元旦はライブ終わったら城崎へ旅行しに行くので、今日はその準備です。だけど犬のエラちゃんは邪魔しかしてこない… (^^;;

Last night I had another great gig with the Locos and Relaciones was on fire! I'm grateful to everyone who came last night and to the amazing band members. It's such a privilege working with them.
Tomorrow I'm doing a countdown show in "Hacienda Del Cielo" in Daikanyama with Pedro Valle's band. Free entrance if you're interested.
The end of this year has been so packed with shows. Tidy is my only day off and I'm using it to get ready for my vacation. I want to leave as soon as I get back from tomorrow's gig but Ella, my dog keeps getting in the way...


Last night and tonight

El Son De Guetaitoはやっぱりいいねー。たくみ君もリハーサルから最後まで叩きまくってました。もうメンバーだね。しかし10才でこんなバンドのメンバーになるなんて凄過ぎるわー。
そして今夜はこれから Cuatro Locos in Relaciones。2日連続でゲタ夫さんとヤンさんと演奏だ。なんて篤農な週末。

Last night I had a great gig with El Son De Guetaito. It's such a fun band! Takumi came from rehearsal and tore it up! He's more or less a member now. It's just sooo amazing to be in a band like this at the age of 10!
The next show is April 6th.
Tonight I have another crazy gig with the "Cuatro Locos" in Relaciones. 2 consecutive nights singing with Getao and Yahn. What a weekend!


2012 last spurt

2012年 last spurt!!!
明日は二俣川で El Son De Gudtaito ライブ〜!
明後日は朝から動物病院で犬の予防他注射でその後は池袋のレラシオーネで Cuatro Locos con Mina ライブ〜!
31日は代官山の Hacienda Del Cielo で Mina Martinez y Noche Cubana カウントダウンライブ〜!

Only a few days left of 2012. I'm on my way to a rehearsal now, then I have my last class of this year in Little Havana, Shinjuku.
Tomorrow I'm singing with "El Son De Guetaio" in Someday, Futamatagawa.
The day after tomorrow I'll be taking my dog to the vets for her last round of shots then its another crazy gig with "Cuatro Locos" in Relaciones, Ikebukuro.
On the 31st I'll be singing with Noche Cubana in Hacienda Del Cielo in Daikanyama.
I'll get gone on the 1st and leave straight away to Kinosaki for a vacation!
All classes start back from the 10th in Little Havana in Shinjuku. Also, there will be no more trial lessons on Tuesdays in Relaciones, but instead a 30 minute ladies Rumba class from 19:30.
To all who I won't see until next year, have a happy new year!!!



19:30~20:00 Ladies Rumba ¥1500
20:00~21:00 Casino ¥2500

I often get asked if I teach Cuban Rumba but I don't. After class the other day I was showing some girls the Rumba basic and it was a lot of fun so I thought maybe I should actually do a class. On Tuesdays before the 20:00 salsa class I'm thinking to start a 30 min Rumba class just for the ladies so I spoke to the owner of Relaciones (where the class is on Tuesdays) and he was up for it.
It will be starting from the beginning of next year.
19:30~20:00 Ladies Rumba ¥1500
20:00~21:00 Casino ¥2500
(¥2500 for both lessons)
Rumba is the root of Salsa an is all about movement which will make your salsa moves more elegant and accurate. I recommend this class if you've hit a wall or you just want to look better dancing salsa. It's also a really fun dance to do, improves your posture and is a great lower body workout.
Rumba isn't a pair dance so I think it's best if guys learned from a guy (if I taught you, you'd probably look gay) so this class will be just for the ladies but guys, please come and join us from 20:00.
One last note, if you're a guy and want to learn Rumba, I recommend Orlando or Euripides.


Me and Penny McGee


I recently bought and fell in love with a little skateboard called Penny. I named her Penny McGee. I take it apart and maintain the bearings and everything. I ride it to work, when I go shopping, or just sometimes around the block.
But last week a student told me something shocking. She said there's a new trend where girls walk around with a penny board even though they can't ride one! Just as a fashion statement! I've never heard of anything so silly! Does it not get in the way? Since then, every time I get on the train with my Penny McGee, I worry that people look at me and think "ah, she's another one of them girls that can't ride a skateboard but carries one around because she thinks its fashionable." Nooo! I'm not following a craze, I just want to ride my Penny McGee.


Loco Loco Loco Loco Loca

昨日は Cuatro Locos とまたライブでした。あのおじさま達の有り余るパワーはどこから来るの?楽しくて、可笑しくて、ノリやすくて最高なライブでした!
次回のライブは12月7日、町田の Mi Salsa です。盛り上がりますよー!皆さん来てね!
Last night I had another show with Cuatro Locos. Where do these old fogies get their energy? It was such a fun, funny, funky show.
The next one is on December 7th in Machida, Mi Salsa. It's gonna be another mad night! I hope to see you all there!



明日は南林間のHIDEAWAYってところでいつも盛り上がる最高に楽しいおじさま達とライブです! Cuatro Locos と演奏します!




It's been a while since my last entry. Sorry.
A little while ago my dance team performed for Halloween. It looked great! We all dressed up as zombie brides and grooms.
We only had 3 practices but because of everyone's hard work, it looked good and I think everyone had a good time both performing it and watching.
I'm thinking of what to dress up as next year!



土曜日に El Son De Guetaito のライブをやりました。二俣川のサムデイは家から2時間位かかるし、店は狭いけど、行っちゃえばあのライブは楽しい!今回はたくみ君はコンガで参加してくれました。たくみ君のコンガはかっこいい!そして、私の大好きな大好きな津垣さんと一緒に演奏出来た事も幸せ~!1ステージ目で2人のルンバダンスもあって、本当に楽しかったです!

Last Saturday I sung with El Son De Guetaito again. The live house is about a 2 hour journey from my house and its really small, but the shows are always so much fun! Takumi came to play with us again, this time on congas. He's actually a great conga player. Plus I got to work with one of my most favorite pianists Hiromichi "Yahn" Tsugaki. We danced Rumba in the first set and had a ball!
The next show there is December 28th. I'm looking forward to it already!



明日はとうとう二俣川の El Son De Guetaito のライブです!そして、明日も天才少年パーカショニスト ひご たくみ君が遊びに来てくれる噂を聞きました!ゲタ夫さに、津垣さんに、一星にたくみ君!皆私の大好きなミュージシャンの方々で私もいつも以上に張り切っちゃいますわーい!時間のある方、是非いらしてください!

Tomorrow it's the "El Son De Guetaito" show in Futamatagawa. I've heard rumors that 8 year old percussionist Takumi Higo will be coming to play with us again! Getao, Yahn, Issei and Takumi. All my favorite musicians in one show! I can't wait!
If you have time, please come down and check out the show!

El Son De Guetaito LIVE in Someday

Music charge ¥4000
18:30 open
20:00 - 1st stage 21:30 - 2nd stage
Member: B) Getao Takhashi, Pf)Hiromichi "Yahn" Tsugaki, Perc) Issei Yoshiba, Vo) Mina Martinez
Tel: 045-365-3671
Someday Homepage


Beautiful girls.

月曜日の六本木 Ibex のレッスンって何故か美女が集まる日になりました。今日も綺麗なお姉さん達が沢山来てくれました!しかも何故か可愛いだけじゃなくて、性格も良くて、真面目!

Monday lessons in Roppongi Ibex has turned into gorgeous lady night! Seriously, recently all the pretty girls come and dance on Mondays. Today also, there were loads! Plus, they're not just gorgeous, but lovely people and serious about learning salsa.
I have so much to learn from my girls!


Taco rice!!!


Yesterday after my lesson at Relaciones in Ikebukuto, a few people ordered Taco Rice and I kinda wanted one but I can't eat a whole one after class so I decided to make some for lunch today. Mmmmmm!


Bamboleo のライブ、一緒に行きませんか?

Ryu's Cuban night


私はこう思う。キューバ人は音楽を楽しんで踊る。だからキューバ人と踊る時は派手な技をかけられなくてもベーシックな事の中で遊びが沢山あるから楽しい。技技技技技じゃない。今日の Ibex のレッスンで技ももちろん教えたけど、"para mi para ti" の中に入れられる遊びもやりました。来てくれた皆さん、上手く使えたらいいなあ。

This is what I think. When Cubans dance, they feel the music. Thats why it's so much fun dancing with Cuban's, because they are so playful with the simplest of moves. It's not just trick trick trick trick trick. So today at my class in Ibex, I taught some fun variations of "para mi para ti." I hope everyone that came today uses it well!



来週の24日(月)の六本木 Ibex のレッスンですが、私は休みとさせて頂きます。レッスンはアシスタントの Toku, Jonathon, Mai が担当します。宜しくお願い致します。

The next class in Roppongi, Ibex on Monday 24th will be taught by Toku, Jonathon and Mai.



次回の Someday も決まってます。次回は私の大好きなピアニスト、ヤンさんとやります。楽しみだーぁ!是非遊びに来てください!

We had a great time! Takumi came to accompany us on percussion. How cool is it that an 8 year old can play a whole show! He blew everyone away.
Our next show at Someday is already set. This time we'll be playing with one of my most favorite pianists, Yahn. I can't wait! I hope to see you there!

Oct 13 (Sat)
El Son De Guetaito LIVE in Someday
18:30 open
20:00 - 1st stage
21:30 - 2nd stage
Member : Getao Takahashi -b, Hiromichi "Yahn" Tsugaki -pf,
Issei Yoshiba -ds, Mina Martinez -vo.
Music Charge ¥4000

More info : Someday Homepage








So I wrote yesterday that I was going to wake up every morning, get dressed, wash my face and brush my teeth by 10:30am and do an hour of stretches from today, but this morning when I woke up it was past 11am. Already time to get lunch on the table. After lunch it's nap time so I guess my new morning routine will start tomorrow.



September already! I like September. All the students I haven't seen because they were on holiday come back. I get new students too.
So I decided from this month, I'm going to start something new too!
It's not quite from the beginning of September because I'll start tomorrow, but I'm going to wake up, wash my face and brush my teeth by 10:30am. Then from 10:30am I'll do stretches for an hour. I'm known for getting bored and quitting stuff by the 3rd day, and to tell you the truth, I'll be quite surprised if I actually wake up in the morning and do this...


Lambert, Hendrix and Ross

この前指圧に行ってて、ラジオにこのグループがかかった。リラックス出来なかった。いつもみたいに寝てしまったらこのバンドの名前をきっと忘れるんではないかと思って[Lambert, Hendrix and Ross, Lambert, Hendrix and Ross, Lambert, Hendrix and Ross]って頭の中で繰り返してた。帰って直ぐにiTunesでアルバムを探して早速購入!
10曲目の "Everybody's Boppin'" が好きです。

Recently I love this group.
I went to get a massage the other day and they came on the radio. I couldn't relax. If I fell asleep like usual I'd probably forget the name so I kept repeating "Lambert, Hendrix and Ross, Lambert, Hendrix and Ross, Lambert, Hendrix and Ross" until the session was over. I got home and right away found them on iTunes.
I like the 10th song "Everybody's Boppin'."
I'd love to do a group like this...


Summer Vaction


明日20日(月曜日六本木IBEX)、明後日(火曜日池袋レラシオーネ)は、私が不在のため、アシスタントチーム(Toku, Mai, Jonathon)の代行になります。グループを初心者と中級に分けますので、初めての人も安心ですし経験者がサルサ初めてのお友達を連れて気軽に参加できます。是非ご参加ください。

私は木曜日の Little Havana から通常のレッスンに戻りますのでこれからも是非よろしくお願いします!

It's my 2nd day of this one week vacation. I'm in Kinosaki, famous for its onsen baths, but I'm not here for that. Yesterday I went fishing for the first time. We took a boat out 5 km off shore and got a whole bunch of fish I don't know the names of. We had a BBQ, I threw some on a paella, put some in soup, and had some raw. The most amazing experience ever!

As I'm away, my lessons tomorrow (Roppongi, Ibex) and on Tuesday (Ikebukuro, Relaciones) will be taken by my assistants, Toku, Mai and Jonathon. They will split the class if necessary so you don't have to worry about what level you are. 

I'll be back to class on Thursday at Shinjuku Little Havana.



今日は久しぶりにお絵描きしました!イギリスに住む可愛い可愛い姪に送ろうと思って書きました。気に入ってくれるかなぁ。ちなみに転写では無く手書きです。 Today I drew a picture for the first time in ages. I'm going to send it to my sweet sweet little niece in England. I miss her so much.
By the way, it's freehand.
今夜のレッスンは新宿 Little Havana
20:00 〜 Cuban Salsa ¥2000 w/1 drink


Perfect day off!

最近ハマってる「ホワイトカラー」ってアメリカの連続ドラマをかりて、BBQ味のポ テトチップスを買って、グリーンカレーを大量に作って、大きなクィーンサイズベッドでゴロゴロしながら、食べたり、寝たり、ドラマ見たりしてる。


Today I have a day off. I don't have a single thing to do!
I rented out "White Collar," bought some BBQ flavored potato chips, made a huge pot of green curry, and I'm spending the day rolling around on my big cushy bed, eating, dozing off and watching dramas.
I could really get used to this.

Tomorrow I have class in Little Havana in Shinjuku.
I heard a rumor that Toku will be making an appearance...!

Shinjuku, Little Havana
20:00 〜 Cuban Salsa
¥2000 w/1/drink



今日から火曜日のレッスンのアシスタントをするジョナサンを紹介します! サルサ歴は1年ちょいって言う短い期間だけど、凄く頑張り屋さんで、知ってる事を丁寧に教えてくれる人です。 1年でここまで踊れる人は実に少ない。これからの彼の成長も楽しみですね! アシスタントですが、皆さんと一緒にサルサを楽しみながら上達していけたらいいと思います。
Jonathon will be assisting my Tuesday classes in Ikebukuro from tonight.
He's only been dancing for just over a year but he works hard he's very good.
There aren't many who can dance this well after just one year. I'm looking forward to watching his progress.
Tue @ Ikebukuro, Relaciones 19:30 - Free lesson
20:00 - Cuban Salsa
¥2500 w/1 drink


Cuatro Locos とのライヴ

今日は楽しいライブが出来ました。 Cuatro Locos って私のプロデューサーのゲタ夫さんがやってるバンドに呼ばれました。皆私が超尊敬してる大先輩達で、一緒に演奏が出来て本当に嬉しかった。 気合いが入ってドレスまで着ちゃいました! 満席でライブは大盛り上がりでした!私がお客さんで見たかった位!



Cuatro Locos

とうとう明日(今日?)8月3日は町田の Mi Salsa でライブです! クワトロ ロコスと一緒です! 盛り上がる事、間違いない!
I've been waiting for this day!
I'm singing with Cuatro Locos! The craziest band ever!


500 円玉貯金


20:00~ Cuban Salsa ¥2000 w/ 1drink
 B1Ftel: 03-3200-5577

I started collecting 500 yen coins in a huge 14 ltr wine bottle I got at a Christmas party about 7 or 8 years ago. I can't remember when I started. Maybe about half a year ago? I now have just over ¥100,000! I love dreaming about what I'm going to do with it.
There's this tortoise I want that's ¥300,000. I know I have 2 already, but this one is special.
I also want to go back to England and see my beautiful little niece.
I don't have a plan yet so I can't decide on how much to save up. Hmmm.

Anyway, I have class tomorrow in Shinjuku, Little Havana. And I got a saucy new poster.
20:00 ~ Cuban Salsa ¥2000 w/ 1drink
Come on down if you have a minute!


Bye Bye Bo.


昨日の Ibex で難しいシャインの後のワザで女子のお腹をガバッと持って回すのをやりました。 



今日は池袋、Relaciones でレッスンです。
Free Lesson ~ 19:30- 
Beginner Salsa ~ 20:00- ¥2500 w/ 1drink 
月曜日と火曜日を連続でレッスンを受けた場合、レラシオーネのレッスンが2500円ワンドリンクから1800円ワンドリンクになります! 今日はアシスタントの坊ちゃんの最後の日になります。


Mina's one point Salsa advice.

今日は久しぶりにずっとアシスタントをやってくれてた仲良しのキャオちゃんとスカイプで5時間近くオーストラリアと日本でチャット。このページに何に更新しようかと相談をしたら、Mina のワン ポイント サルサ アドバイスはどう?
って事で今日のワン ポイント サルサ アドバイスは:

Today I spent 5 hours on Skype chatting with Kaori, my friend and ex-assistant in Australia. I asked what I should write on this page and she suggested "Mina's one point Salsa advice"
My advice for today is for the guys, it's getting hot and sticky so take a change of clothes and keep wiping that sweat away. (Girls, if you get sweaty too, wipe wipe wipe!)
Don't forget, however scary your instructor may be, Salsa is FUN!


Happy Birthday

昨日は Little Havana でレッスンの後に Fraser と Hulk の誕生日をサプライズでお祝いしました。沢山の人が集まってくれて凄く盛り上がりました。誕生日って楽しいよね

そして明後日、22日の日曜日に六本木の Salsa Sudada で『カモンカモン』のライブの前にレッスンします。Sudadaが閉まる前の私の最後のクラスになります。この日はスペンキーにアシスタントをしていただきます。
19:00〜20:00 Cuban Salsa lesson ¥2000 w/1 drink
21:00〜 Free live by C'mon C'mon
是非皆さん Sudadaへ "カモ〜ン!!!"

After class last night we threw a surprise party for Fraser and Hulk. Loads of people came to celebrate. I love parties! Who out there has a birthday coming up???

Also, this Sunday I have a class in Salsa Sudada in Roppongi before a live band called "C'mon C'mon". This will be my last class before it closes. Spencer will be my assistant this Sunday.

19:00〜20:00 Cuban Salsa lesson ¥2000 w/1 drink
21:00〜 Free live by C'mon C'mon


Another Thursday in Shinjuku



Every Thursday in Shinjuku.

明日(7/12木曜日)は新宿のキューバン サルサ バー「リトルハバナ」でレッスンあります。20:00~21:00 \2000 w/1 drink1-2-16 Kabukicho , Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo , Japan時間があったら是非遊びに来て下さい。宜しくお願いします!



いろんな人に何回も言われてたので、更新しやすい homepage をとうとう作ってみました!いや、作ってもらいました!頑張りまーす。
これから、レッスンやライブのことをどんどんUPしていくので、よろしくお願いします (^.^)/